Excel Example Frequency Table

(Qualitative Data)

Step 1: Enter and select your data by clicking and dragging.

excel qualitative example step 1

Step 2: Select "Data" from the top menu

step 2 excel qualitative frequency table

Step 3: Select "Advanced" in the filter options

step 3 excel qualitative frequency table

Step 4: In the pop-up menu select "Copy to another location"

step 4 excel qualitative frequency table

Step 5: In the pop-up menu check the "Unique Records Only" check box

step 5 excel qualitative data frequency table

Step 6: In pop-up menu select the "Copy to" box then click on a cell to place the data 

step 6 excel qualitative frequency table

Step 7: Click "Ok" in the pop-up menu

step 7 qualitative frequency table

Step 8: Enter a 1 next to your first data entry and then copy the cell (CTRL+C)

step 8 excel qualitative frequency table

Step 9: Click then drag next to the rest of your data then paste (CTRL+V)

Step 9 excel qualitative frequency table

Step 10: In your new column (created by advanced filtering) next to the first entry enter the formula:

=SUMIF([Range of original Data],[Range of unique data entries],[column of 1's])

on can enter [Range of original Data] by clicking and dragging

Step 10 excel qualitative frequency table

Step 11: All Done!

all done qualitative frequency table excel

If you would like to watch this being done see the following video: